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                         THE ROAD HOME



 Including volumes 1 & 2


 Ebook AU$12:00





The Road Home is the direct Word of God, as received by the author in meditation, via his Higher Self. This incredibly valuable book is a comprehensive and radical guide to spiritual practice, and affirms that you too can hear the voice 0f God. That voice, known in various traditions as as the Holy Spirit, the Atman or the Buddha will guide you unerringly toward the insight, love, happiness and creativity that lies beyond the guilt, doubt and fear of the ego. A problem cannot be solved using the tools that created the problem. Pain, suffering, sickness, ignorance, anger and fear are products of the ego, as a result of its belief in the fantastic idea that we have successfully separated ourselves from our Source, and then used our creative potential to make a world based on our belief in that separation. The voice for God does not recognise the ego’s world as real, but understands that we do, and can lead us, step by step, out of this illusory world of suffering and doubt into self realisation and enlightenment.


Although The Road Home uses Christian terminology, it is not based on Christian theology, rather it debunks many of the common and irrational precepts prevalent in Christian dogma, sexual relationships, God’s jealousy, and God’s punishment being some of the subjects dealt with. By taking you to the fundamental Source of all knowledge it will show you how to go beyond conceptual beliefs to an experiential interaction with the world of spirit, and how that experience can be brought into your material existence, radically transforming you view of the world and your experience in it.


Life does not have to be a struggle; we have a choice which voice we will listen to: one leading to insecurity in a world of fear and lack of abundance, or the other leading to an unshakeable sense of safety and joy in a world that exists for no other reason to support us. Few people can make the jump from one thought system to the other in one leap. There needs to be a period of relinquishing the old in order to make way for a new way of thinking, which precedes a new way of experiencing the world. On your own that may appear to be an impossible task, but the voice of God will gently guide you through that process, and open the door to the world of spirit, even while you are here in physical form.


You will never see the world in the same way again after having read The Road Home.

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